Copyright © 2025
Indiana Bandmasters Association
PO Box 1080
Brownsburg, IN 46112



All-Region Honor Band
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Plan now for your students to participate in the 46th Annual All-Region Honor Band Festival.  The All-Region Bands provide an excellent opportunity for your students to have their talents recognized, perform with other outstanding young musicians and work with highly respected music educators and conductors.  The festival rehearsal will be Saturday, November 15 and the concert will be Sunday, November 16.  Tim Carnall band director at Westside Middle School in Elkhart, is the 2025 Festival Coordinator.


Directors begin the application process by registering for the All-Region event and receive a computer-generated event code for their school. Outstanding musicians, who are students of IBA members, in grades 7, 8 or 9 are eligible for the All-Region Honor Band.  The student must be a member in good standing of his/her school’s band program throughout the school year. Ninth grade students may apply for either All-Region or All-District, but not both.  Applicants must have completed one full year of training on their instrument.  Students may submit online applications from August 23 through September 12.  Selected members must attend the full rehearsal schedule and concert.  Students should not apply if they cannot make that commitment.  When the student application window closes, directors will have one week to complete the recommendations for each student from his/her school.  Late entries will only be accepted with a $50.00 late fee, provided that the selection process has not begun at your site. The registration / application links will open on Saturday, August 23, 2025.

Director / School Event Registration Student Application

Selection Process

Band directors from each area will serve on the selection committee responsible for choosing their respective All-Region Honor Band.  Contact the site host if you are interested in volunteering your services.  Please be accurate and specific when completing the student’s recommendation. Directors will rank students by instrument section and complete an overall ranking of all students recommended.  The application must be complete or it will be discarded.  Each school is guaranteed to have at least two students selected for participation.  Selection of the ensemble will be based solely on director recommendations.  Past participation does not guarantee acceptance.


Each student selected for participation will pay a $35.00 registration fee on Saturday morning November 16.  All participants will receive a free commemorative T-shirt.  Each site will also have lunch available for a nominal fee.  Directors should contact the site host help with selections and sectionals.


Directors should also make sure each of their selected students is prepared to play all the music sent to them.  Saturday morning is not the time to work on notes and rhythms.  Please prepare your students!

2025 All-Region Honor Band Schedule

(Students grades 7 – 9 are eligible for this group.)
Ninth grade students may apply for either All-District or All-Region but not both.

Saturday, August 23
Online applications open.
Friday, September 12
Online applications close at 11:59 PM EST.
Director window opens to allow recommendations to be added to student applications and a summary form completed.
Saturday, September 20
Director access to student applications closes at 11:59 PM EST.
Friday, October 10
Site hosts mail selection notification and music to participating schools.
Saturday, November 15
8:30 – 9:00 AM  - Registration ($35 fee per student)
9:00 – 12:00  - Sectionals / Full Rehearsal
12:00 – 1:00 PM - Lunch (The site host will collect a fee for a provided lunch.)
1:00 – 4:30  - Sectionals / Full Rehearsal
Sunday, November 16
2:00 – 3:00 PM - Dress Rehearsal
4:00 – 4:45  - Concert

Festival Sites and Hosts

Northwest: Portage High School – PatrickTeykl

North Central: Penn High School (Mishawaka) – Murray Weaver

Northeast: DeKalb Middle School (Waterloo) – Lori Haydl

Central North: Marion High School – Danielle Carter

Central West: Southmont High School (Crawfordsville) – Elizabeth Newnum

East: New Castle High School – Rebecca Wand

Northwest Indy Metro: Zionsville West Middle School – Candi Granlund

Northeast Indy Metro: Riverside Junior High School (Fishers) – Matthew Harrod

South Indy Metro 1: Clark Pleasant Middle School (Greenwood) – Katy Briel

South Indy Metro 2: Perry Meridian 6th Grade Academy (Indianapolis) – Chris Meyer

Central Southwest: Woodrow Wilson Middle School (Terre Haute) - Ruth Mayhew

Central Southeast: Greensburg Community High School – Lisa Cary

South Central: Jasper Middle School – Ben Werne

Southwest: South Knox High School (Vincennes) – Jennifer Bolero-Erickson

Southeast:  Eastern High School (Washington County – Pekin) – Matt Lindley

Future All-District Honor Band Dates
November 14 & 15, 2026
November 13 & 14, 2027
November 11 & 12, 2028
November 10 & 11, 2029
Guest Conductor Application